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  • thumbnail_02.png JIWAN HAN Master's course
    • Graduation year 2023-02

    Objective Function Auto-tuning of Trajectory Optimization using the Lagrange Multiplier to Generate Safe Impact Force for an Under-Actuated Aerial Robot

  • thumbnail_02.png Sumit Mishra Master's course
    • Graduation year 2023-02


  • thumbnail_02.png Kevin Tirta Wijaya Master's course
    • Graduation year 2023-02

    Memory & Runtime Efficient Deep Learning-based Perception with Prototypical Encoder

  • thumbnail_02.png Gyuree Kang Master's course
    • Graduation year 2022-08

    Development of Autonomous Mobile Manipulator system for Indoor Driving and Door Opening

  • thumbnail_02.png Donghyeon Kim Master's course
    • Graduation year 2022-08

    Comparison of Remote and Local Virtual Fixture and Method to Improve Performance of Them

  • thumbnail_02.png Yoonha Jang Master's course
    • Graduation year 2022-08

    Deep reinforcement learning based autonomous driving with expert demonstrations

  • thumbnail_02.png Okyong Choi Master's course
    • Graduation year 2022-08

    Distributed Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning from a Control System Perspective

  • thumbnail_02.png SEUNGIL HAN Master's course
    • Graduation year 2022-08

    Graph-based Trajectory Prediction of Surrounding Vehicles using Lane Information

  • thumbnail_02.png Ji Woo Hong Master's course
    • Graduation year 2022-08

    Temporal Procrustes Alignment Framework for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation from Video

  • thumbnail_02.png ANDREA FINAZZI Master's course
    • Graduation year 2022-08

    Design, Development, and Validation of a Software Architecture for High Performance Autonomous Robotics