반복영역 건너뛰기 주메뉴 바로가기 본문 바로가기
Total Mandatory/General Mandatory/Elective Elective Research
Classification Subject No. (New) Subject No. (Old) Computation No. (Old) Subject Name Lecture:Lab:Credit
Semester Remark
CC.50001 CC010 11.010 Special Lecture on Leadership 1:0:0 F
CC.50002 CC020 11.020 Ethics and Safety I 1AU S/F
CC.50000 CC500 11.500 Scientific Writing 3:0:3 S/F
CC.50010 CC510 11.510 Introduction to Computer Application 2:3:3 S/F
CC.50011 CC511 11.511 Probability and Statistics 2:3:3 S/F ↔ EE528
CC.50012 CC512 11.512 Introduction to Materials and Engineering 3:0:3 S/F
CC.50013 CC513 11.513 Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis 3:0:3 F
CC.50022 CC522 11.522 Introduction to Instruments 2:3:3 F
CC.50030 CC530 11.530 Enterpreneurship and Business Strategies 3:0:3 F
Elective Course
RE.50010 RE510 47.510 Intelligent Robot Design Lab 1:6:3 S
EE.50011 EE511 35.511 Computer Architecture 3:0:3 S
EE.50034 EE534 35.534 Pattern Recognition 3:0:3 F ↔ CS676
EE.50081 EE581 35.581 Linear Systems 3:0:3 S ↔ ME561
EE.50085 EE585 35.585 Mobile Robotics and Autonomous Navigation 3:0:3 F
EE.60082 EE682 35.682 Intelligent Control Theory 3:0:3 F
EE.60083 EE683 35.683 Robot Control 3:0:3 F
EE.70035 EE735 35.735 Computer Vision 3:0:3 F
CS.40707 CS477 36.477 Introduction to Intelligent Robotics 3:0:3 S
CS.50100 CS510 36.510 Computer Architecture 3:0:3 S
CS.50500 CS550 36.550 Software Engineering 3:0:3 S
CS.50504 CS554 36.554 Design for Software and System 2:3:3 F
CS.50700 CS570 36.570 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 3:0:3 S
CS.50702 CS572 36.572 Intelligent Robotics 3:0:3 F
CS.50706 CS576 36.576 Computer Vision 3:0:3 S/F
CS.60702 CS672 36.672 Reinforcement Learning 3:0:3(2) S/F ↔ AI611
ME.40053 ME453 B7.453 Introduction to Robotics Engineering 3:0:3(6) F
ME.40059 ME459 B7.459 Introduction for Visual Intelligence S
ME.50053 ME553 B7.553 Robot Dynamics 3:0:3(6) S/F
ME.60052 ME652 B7.652 Mobile Robotics 3:0:3(0) S
ME.60055 ME655 B7.655 Robotics Engineering 3:1:3 F
AI.50200 AI502 F2.502 Deep Learning 3:0:3 S/F
AI.61100 AI611 F2.611 Deep Reinforcement Learning 3:0:3 S/F
CE.50083 CE583 37.583 Advanced Dynamic and Nonlinear Control of Civil Robots 3:0:3 S
Elective Course RE.50002 RE502 47.502 Sensor & Sensing 3:0:3 F
RE.50030 RE530 47.530 Sensor-based Mobile Robots 1:6:3 S
RE.50040 RE540 47.540 Robot Vision and Sensing 3:0:3 F
RE.60010 RE610 47.610 Network-based Robotics 3:0:3 S
RE.70010 RE710 47.710 Artificial Life 3:0:3 S
RE.70020 RE720 47.720 Humanoid Robot 3:0:3 F
RE.70022 RE722 47.722 Robot Vision and Digital Image System 3:0:3 F
RE.70030 RE730 47.730 Micro/Nano Robotics 3:0:3 S
RE.70040 RE740 47.740 Evolutionary Robotics 3:0:3 F
RE.89900 RE887 47.887 Special Topics on Robot Technology 3:0:3 F
MO.50008 MO508 19.508 Navigation and Sensing Systems 3:0:3 S
MO.50050 MO550 G3.550 Introduction to Autonomous Vehicles 3:0:3 S
MO.50060 MO560 19.560 The Principles and Applications of the Kalman Filter 3:0:3 S
MAS.50065 MAS565 25.565 Numerical Analysis 3:0:3 S
IE.50061 IE561 31.561 Advanced Information System Engineering 3:0:3 F
IE.70061 IE761 31.761 Cognitive Engineering 3:0:3 F
ID.50006 ID506 32.506 Media Interaction Design 3:0:3 F
ID.70006 ID706 32.706 Theory of Interface Design 3:0:3 F
EE.40014 EE414 35.414 Embedded Systems 3:1:3 F
EE.40081 EE481 35.481 Intelligent Systems 3:0:3 S
EE.50016 EE516 35.516 Embedded Software 1:6:3 F
EE.50031 EE531 35.531 Statistical Learning Theory 3:0:3 S
EE.50033 EE533 35.533 Digital Speech Processing 3:0:3 S
EE.50035 EE535 35.535 Digital Image Processing 3:0:3 S
EE.50038 EE538 35.538 Neural Networks 3:0:3 F
EE.50073 EE573 35.573 Introduction to VLSI Systems 3:0:3 S
EE.50082 EE582 35.582 Digital Control 3:1:3 S
EE.50091 EE591 35.591 Introduction to Electric Vehicles 3:1:3 S
EE.50094 EE594 35.594 Power Electronics Systems 3:0:3 F
EE.60019 EE619 35.619 Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning 3:0:3 S
EE.60067 EE667 35.667 Multiple View Geometry 3:0:3 S
EE.60081 EE681 35.681 Nonlinear Control 3:0:3 F
EE686 Optimization Theory 3:0:3 F
EE688 Optimal Control Theory 3:0:3 F
EE734 Image Understanding 3:0:3 S
EE737 Medical Imaging Technology 3:0:3 S
EE738 Speech Recognition Systems 3:0:3 S
EE739 Cognitive Information Processing 3:0:3 F
EE788 Robot Cognition and Planning 3:0:3 F
EE827 Special Topics in Communication 3:0:3 S/F
EE837 Special Topics in Signal Processing 3:0:3 S/F
EE838 Special Topics in Image Engineering 3:0:3 S/F
EE887 Special Topics in Robotics 3:0:3 S/F ↔ RE887
CS470 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3:0:3 F
CS520 Theory of Programming Languages 3:0:3 F
CS530 Operating System 3:0:3 S/F
CS540 Network Architecture 3:0:3 S/F
CS543 Distributed Systems 3:0:3 F
CS577 Robot Learning and Interaction 3:0:3 F
CS580 Interactive Computer Graphics 3:1:3 S
CS588 Deep Learning based Image Search 3:0:3 S
CS600 Graph Theory 3:0:3 S/F
CS610 Parallel Processing 3:0:3 S
CS655 System Modeling and Analysis 3:0:3 S/F ↔ EE612
CS670 Fuzzy and Intelligent System 3:0:3 S/F
CS671 Advanced Machine Learning 3:0:3 S/F
CS686 Motion Planning and Applications 3:0:3 F
CS688 Large-Scale Image & Video Retrieval 3:0:3 F
CS770 Topics in Computation Theory 3:0:3 S/F
CS774 Topics in Artificial Intelligence 3:0:3 S/F
CS776 Topics in Cognitive Science 3:0:3 S/F
CS780 Topics in Interactive Computer Graphics 2:3:3 S/F
CE551 Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering Design 3:0:3 S
CE554 Mechanical Design of Civil Robot 3:0:3 S/F
CE558 Introduction to Civil Robotics 3:0:3 S/F
ME505 Measurement Instrumentation 3:0:3 F
ME550 Advanced Dynamics 3:0:3 F
ME559 Dynamics and Control of Ocean Vehicles 3:0:3 S/F
ME561 Linear System Control 3:0:3 S
ME562 Digital System Control 3:0:3 F
ME585 Mechanics and Control of Human Movement 3:0:3 S
ME600 Mechanical System Design Project 1 0:9:3 S
ME601 Mechanical System Design Project 2 0:9:3 F
ME642 Medical Biomechanics 3:0:3 F
ME654 Noise Control 3:0:3 F
ME662 Design of Precision Actuation System 3:0:3 S
ME683 Human Robot Interaction: Haptics 3:0:3 F
ME761 Nonlinear System Control 3:0:3 S
AI501 Machine Learning for AI 3:0:3 S/F
AI504 Programming for AI 3:0:3 F
AI505 Optimization for AI 3:0:3 F
AI602 Advanced Deep Learning 3:0:3 S/F
AI603 Machine Learning Theory 3:0:3 S/F
AI604 Deep Learning for Computer Vision 3:0:3 S/F
AI605 Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing 3:0:3 S/F
AI610 Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty 3:0:3 S/F
AI614 Robot Task and Motion Planning 3:0:3 S/F
AI616 Deep Learning Theory 3:0:3 S/F
AI617 Machine Learning for Robotics 3:0:3 S/F
AI701 Bayesian Machine Learning 3:0:3 S/F
AI703 Systems and Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 3:0:3 S
BiS571 BioElectroMechanics 3:0:3 S
BiS651 Hearing and Auditory Model 3:0:3 S
BiS652 Human Visual Model 3:0:3 F
BiS653 Advanced MRI Techniques 3:0:3 S
BiS673 Bioelectronic Devices 3:0:3 S
SEP523 Software Design 3:1:3 F
SEP609 Architecture for Software System 3:0:3 S
Research RE960 Thesis Research(Master) S/F
RE966 Seminar(Master) 1:0:1 S ↔ EE966
RE980 Thesis Research(Doctoral) S/F
RE986 Seminar(Doctoral) 1:0:1 S ↔ EE986
  • ↔: stands for substitutable courses.
  • ◎: Course mutually recognized by undergraduate and graduate programs