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Research results

Category-Level Metric Scale Object Shape and Pose Estimation
  • 작성자관리자
  • 작성일2023.09.22
  • 조회수168
Taeyeop Lee, Byeong-Uk Lee, Myungchul Kim, In So Kweon

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters



  • 저자 : Taeyeop Lee, Byeong-Uk Lee, Myungchul Kim, In So Kweon
  • 논문명 : Category-Level Metric Scale Object Shape and Pose Estimation
  • 학술지명 : IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
  • 발간월 : August
  • 권호사항 : 6 / 4 (p. pp. 8575-8582)
  • SCI-E 여부 : SCI-E
  • 초록 : Advances in deep learning recognition have led to accurate object detection with 2D images. However, these 2D perception methods are insufficient for complete 3D world information. Concurrently, advanced 3D shape estimation approaches focus on the shape itself, without considering metric scale. These methods cannot determine the accurate location and orientation of objects. To tackle this problem, we propose a framework that jointly estimates a metric scale shape and pose from a single RGB image. Our framework has two branches: the Metric Scale Object Shape branch (MSOS) and the Normalized Object Coordinate Space branch (NOCS). The MSOS branch estimates the metric scale shape observed in the camera coordinates. The NOCS branch predicts the normalized object coordinate space (NOCS) map and performs similarity transformation with the rendered depth map from a predicted metric scale mesh to obtain 6D pose and size. Additionally, we introduce the Normalized Object Center Estimation (NOCE) to estimate the geometrically aligned distance from the camera to the object center. We validated our method on both synthetic and real-world datasets to evaluate category-level object pose and shape.