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Research results

Soft Sensor Unit for Measurement of Large Scale Multi-axis Force
  • 작성자관리자
  • 작성일2023.09.07
  • 조회수139
Eunseok Song, Seongbin An, Hyunjin Choi, Kyoungchul Kong

2022 The 13th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2022)



  • 저자 : Eunseok Song, Seongbin An, Hyunjin Choi, Kyoungchul Kong
  • 논문명 : Soft Sensor Unit for Measurement of Large Scale Multi-axis Force
  • 학회명 : 2022 The 13th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2022)
  • 발간년도 : 2022
  • 발간년도 : 2022
  • 발간월 : May
  • 초록 : Many robotic applications that physically interactwith humans require the measurement of interaction forces toensure accurate control as well as safety. Devices that are directlyattached to the human body, such as wearable devices, mustuse soft and flexible materials to be comfortable and safe. Mostsoft sensors cannot measure large amounts of force becausesoft materials can easily deform and break when subjected tolarge forces. In this paper, we present a soft force measurementunit (sFMU) that can measure three-axis force. The proposedsFMU is made of three polyurethane air sacs radially alignedin silicone rubber. The volume of each air sac is 15 ml andthe size of the cylindrical sFMU is 50 mm in diameter and 20mm in height. Depending on the magnitude and direction of theforce applied to the sFMU, the volume of each air sac changesand so does the internal pressure. The simple manufacturingprocess of sFMU using inexpensive materials is also introduced.Experimental validation shows that the sFMU can measure upto 160N for z-axis force with 6.51 RMSE, up to 15N for x-axiswith 1.63 RMSE, and up to 15N for y-axis with 2.79 RMSE