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Announcement regarding application to Int'l Elte Summer School in Robotics & Entrepreneurship [Deadline : March 16, 2025]
  • 작성자관리자
  • 작성일2025.02.05
  • 조회수35
The application deadline for the International Elite Summer School in Robotics & Entrepreneurship held in Odense, Denmark, is March 18 at 12:00 (CET).

Official period: August 5, 2025, to August 23, 2025
Location: Odense, Denmark [University of Southern Denmark]
Application Due : March 16, 2025

Opportunities offered by the International Elite Summer School include:
- Advanced technologies for designing robotic systems for specific applications
- Entrepreneurship in robotics
- Interaction with students majoring in robotics from 16 different universities
- Visits to hardware companies such as Universal Robots and MiR, Danish robotics research institutes and schools, tours of companies utilizing robotics and automation technologies like LEGO, Novo Nordisk, Danfoss, and meetings with researchers and executives

Participating universities: UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, University of Southern California, MIT, Northeastern University, Seoul National University (SNU), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), The Technical University of Munich (TUM), IIT Kanpur, and leading Danish universities.

International students receive support for tuition, airfare, and accommodation, and KAIST selects 2-3 students annually to participate.

Application link:  https://robotelite.sdu.dk/apply/
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